Tag: Recruiters

March 15, 2023 Jonathan Kidder No comments exist

If you have a team of recruiters and talent sourcers, it is crucial to establish a policy outlining the rules of engagement. Without such a policy, there is a high likelihood of duplication of effort, resulting in confusion and inefficiency. The recruitment manager should define the best practices for outreach, including the frequency and timing…

March 12, 2023 Jonathan Kidder 1 comment

Regrettably, some recruiters have caused uproar online. As seen from tweets, subreddits, and other online posts, many candidates have reported being bombarded with excessive spam, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss the ways in which recruiters have engaged in spamming candidates and propose ways in which our industry can…

March 21, 2020 Jonathan Kidder No comments exist

During this time of uncertainty Recruiters more than ever will be facing new challenges.  With so many workers working fully remote for the first time it’s become a great time to cold call applicants over the phone. With this positive side there’s also a downside: applicants are opening to talking but they are holding off…

January 22, 2020 Jonathan Kidder No comments exist

Effective time management is essential for recruiters to be successful, as it allows them to handle the many responsibilities they have. Time management skills are what sets top recruiters apart from others. Despite its importance, it is not a topic that is frequently discussed by recruiters or recruitment bloggers.   “Time will either make or…

December 11, 2018 Jonathan Kidder 1 comment

I recently read a post that claimed that generalist recruiters and sourcers were ruining the talent acquisition industry. I could not disagree more with what that author was implying. In order to become successful in recruiting you need to start as a generalist. You need to get your feet wet within full-cycle recruiting before you…

December 7, 2017 Jonathan Kidder No comments exist

Independent recruiters can’t rely on new clients appearing magically. The most successful recruiters are always actively sourcing for new clients they can work with. This isn’t a one and done activity but one that needs to be done constantly and consistently. Don’t wait until you don’t have any openings to fill to start looking for…