Month: October 2018

October 31, 2018 Jonathan Kidder No comments exist

What does talent sourcing mean exactly? Talent Sourcing is the method used to find applicants who aren’t applying directly to open roles. This is accomplished by building boolean strings and searching for leads, among other things. Not only are they finding candidates, but they are also actively screening and submitting leads to roles.   Sourcers…

October 28, 2018 Jonathan Kidder 1 comment

It’s essential to keep track of your recruitment efforts in order to identify what strategies are working and which ones aren’t. By analyzing your methods, you can see which techniques are producing the most hires and focus on scaling those up. On the other hand, you can also identify which methods aren’t as effective and…

October 25, 2018 Jonathan Kidder No comments exist

  Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Doug Berg, the creator of ZAPinfo, and received a live demonstration of the tool. I was thoroughly impressed with all of the features and integrations that ZAPinfo offers. In my opinion, it is one of the best scraping tools available for sourcers to use. As a…

October 18, 2018 Jonathan Kidder No comments exist

I had the chance to interview Doug Berg the creator of Jobs2web and ZAPinfo. I was a huge fan of his first tool Jobs2web back in 2011 which allowed users to track job applications through social media. I was definitely excited to see that Doug created a new tool called ZAPinfo. It offers many capabilities…

October 16, 2018 Jonathan Kidder No comments exist

Shon Burton CEO of HiringSolved announced on Monday, October 15th that they would relaunch Prophet II in the extension chrome store. As you can imagine, the response has been ecstatic. For a while, the extension was one of the most widely used tools to find a user-profiles contact information online. Most recently, the tool has…

October 12, 2018 Jonathan Kidder 1 comment

This post was inspired by Holly Mallowes’ presentation at SourceCon, and aims to delve deeper into her suggestion for finding and verifying corporate emails. In some industries, the most effective way to reach a lead is through their corporate email, but what do you do when you can’t find it? There are several options for…

October 12, 2018 Jonathan Kidder No comments exist

Need help finding diverse candidates for your open roles? I put together a quick list of Boolean String hacks to find and source diverse (BLNA) candidates online. Examples include university and colleges searches, to alumni and associations group searches, to resource nonprofits, to x-raying social networks.   1. Finding URM Engineering Programs at Colleges or…

October 9, 2018 Jonathan Kidder No comments exist

I had the privilege of interviewing Luke Doubler, the founder of a local staffing company (RecruiterCentral) in the Twin Cities and a seasoned talent sourcing professional with over 15 years of experience. I had been following Luke’s career from a distance and had the opportunity to meet him in person at a SourceCon meetup in…

October 4, 2018 Jonathan Kidder No comments exist

The ability to stay organized is crucial in the recruiting industry due to the multiple tasks and responsibilities involved. Recruiters must effectively schedule interviews with candidates, maintain accurate records of their contact information and qualifications, and communicate effectively with clients. A missed meeting with a candidate could result in a missed opportunity for a successful…