Brian Fink is a huge fan of Evernote when it comes to tracking and note taking candidate updates. Evernote, everyone’s favorite note-taking app, may not come to mind as a recruiter trying to track applicants. However, it actually has a number of features worth considering if you’re looking for a reliable and inexpensive recruiting ATS. …
I had the opportunity to demo Vettery this week. Jonathan and Brook from the team walked me through the marketplace hiring platform. Whether you’re building out your tech, sales, or business teams, this tool vets talent across a spectrum of skills and experiences. The team at Vettery attracts and engages candidates to sign up …
I had the opportunity to interview Glenn Gutmacher he currently works at State Street as a Talent Sourcing Manager. I’ve been looking forward to this interview for a while now! I hope you enjoy learning more about Glenn and his journey into sourcing. 1. What are the unique talents you bring to the sourcing …
SourceCon Digital 2.0 came and went so quickly this year. I was able to present on the main stage on Talent Sourcing Automation. We had over 750+ participants at this event making it the one of the largest Sourcing conferences in North America. I was honored that the SourceCon team chose me to present on …
A recent survey conducted by Candor revealed that 60% of the 1,700 businesses interviewed have hiring freezes in place. This is just one statistic that helps show how drastically the job market has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, research has also revealed that, while software development companies are also strongly impacted, they seem …