If you’re like most recruiters, you have some extra time on your hands right now, but that doesn’t mean you’re on vacation. You can still be plenty productive with your prep work so that you can kick things back into full force in the next couple months. For now, it’s a great time to …
Looking to write the perfect recruiting cold call email? There are six elements you should consider critical when writing an email to a passive candidate. Recruiters need to spend the time to craft a message that is unique and personalized for reach lead. You will only have a few seconds before that lead is either …
Early morning on May 6, LinkedIn.com dropped out of Google Search results everywhere. With more than 690 million members, sources instantly began taking notice of the platform’s disappearance. Some chalked it up to a major SEO blunder, but what if there’s more to it? For that short period, anyone who tried to find web …
There are few people who would try to deny the convenience of texting. Whether you’re setting up a coffee date with a friend or, according to a recent survey, going through the hiring process, it’s many people’s preferred way of communicating. When it comes to those under 30, about 86% of young adults have positive …
Hiring may be slowing down for most companies, but that doesn’t mean a recruiter’s work should come to a halt. In fact, now is the perfect opportunity to begin building a future talent pipeline. During this down time you can be meeting with stake holders and hiring managers to start game planning a talent pipeline …