12 Recruiting Browser Extensions to Review in 2019

February 1, 2019 Jonathan Kidder No comments exist

Google Chrome Extensions

Recruiters have a ton of extension tools available to them in 2019. So how do you decide which ones will work the best for you? To help you determine the extension tools that will bring your recruiting game to the next level, I put together a list of trending browser extensions that you should review and download. 


1. MailTag

MailTag provides a series of free a super helpful modifications to the stock Gmail web experience. Utilize email tracking to find out when a recipient has opened your message. No more wondering if your candidate actually opened your email. With real-time desktop alerts you will know as soon as your candidate opens!


MailTag also includes email scheduling, allowing you to send your messages at the appropriate hours, which is perfect for multi-timezone communications. This will help ensure your emails are delivered at a time when people are more likely to open them.


MailTag is also ad-supported and comes with a watermark. If you want to avoid the ads and make the content more on brand with no watermark, there is a premium tier option that removes ads and watermarks. In addition, this option provides expanded “ping sequences” that allow you to automate the email follow-up process.


2. HabitLab

HabitLab is all about challenging your habits. Rather than optimize your browser, HabitLab challenges you to optimize your online browsing habits. An open source project by Stanford HCI, HabitLab deploys a series of interface interventions in your browsing to try to help reduce time wasted. Reduce productivity killers like Facebook, Youtube and other social media sites.


HabitLab uses psychology to help you build habits that stick. The extension might show a prompt before playing a long video, hide your newsfeed, or display a card showing the time spent on a particular time or service. Users can set daily goals for maximum time spent on a site before interventions begin, as well as monitor the time spent and saved. Focus on avoiding areas that you tend to be distracted by to maximize your productivity.


3. Blur

Abine’s Blur tool is a privacy company focused on helping its customers protect what’s most important to them. It includes a password manager, email anonymizer and credit card masker all rolled up into one convenient package in a Chrome extension. Users can create and store strong passwords to avoid security issues. The service also syncs your passwords across desktop and iOS devices for ease of use and includes tracker blocking for a variety of web trackers. Premium users of the service can also utilize anonymized credit cards to mask their online purchases.


4. Better History

The Better History extension augments the built-in functionality of Chrome’s History tab. The tool augments the traditional vertical timeline with a horizontal calendar, which makes it easy to jump to specific dates and even hours. Expanded search tools allow you to explore your history for terms in a page title, domain or within the page itself.


5. OneNote Web Clipper

Microsoft’s OneNote is a great workplace productivity tool, especially when combined with the rest of the Office package. The OneNote Web Clipper extension for Chrome lets users quickly clip all or part of a web page for easy reference and editing in OneNote. Using Web Clipper syncs across your devices and provides access from wherever you are. The web clipper is a feature-packed tool. It’s features include reducing ads and clutter, adjusting fonts, highlighting text, or grabbing select images or videos that you can then refer back to in the OneNote app.


6. Mercury Reader

Readability may be gone, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get clean and easily readable versions of your favorite webpages, articles, and news. Mercury Reader strips out surrounding webpage clutter, formatting, and advertising. Remove the distractions for a clean, easily readable view, while keeping social sharing features and Send to Kindle functionality.


7. Unshorten.Link

Link shorteners are an online convenience, making it simpler to deal with clunky URLs. Unfortunately, those shortened links can also be a bit of a security risk since you don’t know where it’s taking you. Unshorten.link is a Chrome extension that helps keep you secure. The extension shows you the URL where the shorter link is redirecting you to. It also warns you of any known associated malware and tracking cookies.


8. Any.do

Any.do is one of our favorite cross-platform to-do list apps. We love it because the Chrome add-on lets you seamlessly sync your tasks and checklists to and from your mobile devices and your desktop. Users can create new lists and reminders, easily organize with a drag-and-drop interface, add notes, share tasks and more. The best is that you can do it all from your browser and sync across all your devices.


9. Boomerang

Boomerang is a fantastic addition to Gmail’s basic functions! It allows users to schedule message sending based on their schedule. You can set up recurring email messages and postpone emails. Free users can schedule 10 messages a month, while subscribers gain unlimited message credits and a variety of premium features. Use Boomerang to find insights into the plausibility of the open rate based on your current email.


10. Evernote Web Clipper

Evernote is one of the most popular note-taking tools available and its taken it’s game one step further. They gave launched the powerful Evernote WebClipper which allows users to quickly and easily save Web content from their Chrome browser straight into their Evernote notebooks. You have the option to clip full articles or web pages, or save more optimized, distraction-free versions. This powerful extension also lets you take screenshots, save as PDF, and markup content and images.


11. Pocket

Pocket allows you to save articles, web pages, images and videos for your reading or viewing pleasure. Find a way to organize all that knowledge! After saving, Pocket syncs everything across numerous devices, such as your smartphone or tablet. There’s also a new Pocket Chrome App for viewing saved content on your desktop. You can read your articles at a convenient time, whether you have wi-fi or not.


12. TinEye Reverse Image Search

Similar to Search by Image from Google, TinEye finds other versions of a selected image. Find out where else an image has been used or locate higher resolution versions. Simple reverse image search is just a right-click away. Find where an image is located all over the web by either uploading and image or a URL.


Recommended Reading:

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Jonathan Kidder
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