Shon Burton CEO of HiringSolved announced on Monday, October 15th that they would relaunch Prophet II in the extension chrome store. As you can imagine, the response has been ecstatic. For a while, the extension was one of the most widely used tools to find a user-profiles contact information online. Most recently, the tool has been on a slow decline. Presently, they do have some stiff competition from other extension tools like: Hiretual, Seekout, Lusha, ContactOut, Connectifier, and many others.
After I saw his post on Facebook, I shot him an email to confirm the rumors. Below are his responses to my questions:
1. Is it true that you are relaunching Prophet?
Yes, it’s true! We are launching a new version called PROPHET II. This is the first major update to the extension since it was originally launched in 2014.
2. Why are you relaunching the extension now?
Technically, this isn’t a relaunch but the launch of a new version. This next version has new sourcing modes and capabilities that we never thought of in the original.
The original extension was based on the concept of automatically adding information to social profiles. There were a few extensions out there before us but we took this concept further by making it collaborative, allowing users to add data like emails and web addresses and that data was shared with all logged-in users.
Now we are adding new sourcing modes and new capabilities that go well beyond the original concept. Our goal is to make Prophet the best free sourcing tool in the world.
3. Can you highlight any details or features of the new extension?
We’re about a month away from an official announcement so I can’t say much. If we were talking about fishing gear, the original extension was like a fishhook, designed to get info on one person at a time. The new version is more like a net. 🙂
4. Are you excited about the new tool?
Yep, I’m pumped. Prophet will always have a special place in our hearts. I’m super excited about re-engaging the Prophet community. The new tool brings some advanced automation features that are usually only seen in expensive enterprise products to a free extension-based tool and gives people a new way to source and organize information.
I’m excited to see the relaunch of this extension! We’re honored that Shon was open to sharing his inside scoop with us at WizardSourcer. Here’s what Prophets Dashboard will look like:
Unfortunately Prophet II was shut down in 2021 due to data concerns
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