Certification Pledge

Wizardsourcer strives to be the most trusted place for talent sourcing news in the industry. We strive to deliver content that is verified, authenticated, and cited appropriately. I strive to create a blog that is highly trusted in our  recruiting community. I will make adjustments and changes when needed and when it’s appropriate. 

Why is this pledge important for readers?

✓ Demonstrates credibility: Citing sources and providing references shows that you have done research and supports the points you are making in your blog, increasing the credibility of your work.


✓ Avoids plagiarism: Properly citing sources helps you avoid plagiarism and demonstrates that you have used other people’s work ethically and responsibly.


✓ Supports your argument: Including references and citations provides evidence to back up your arguments and shows that your ideas are based on the work of credible experts.


✓ Aids reader understanding: Citing sources and providing links helps readers understand where your information is coming from and allows them to explore the topic further.


✓ Establishes trust: By demonstrating that you have done thorough research and taken the time to properly cite your sources, you establish trust with your readers and demonstrate that you are a knowledgeable and trustworthy source of information.



Note: If you have any issues or questions regarding our content please reach out to me on the (contact page)