Posted by Jonathan Kidder on June 29, 2017

How are Recruiters and Sourcers Different?

Recruiters find candidates and deal with hiring managers right? If you are in the recruiting industry or are a hiring manager you likely have some knowledge of the fact that there are sourcers and recruiters but did you know these are two very different roles? There are definitely some similarities and overlap in job function,

Posted by Jonathan Kidder on May 27, 2016

How to Send a Text Message Using Email

I recently discovered this sourcing hack while playing around with text messaging. You can send a text message through an email account. This simple yet highly useful hack could be life changing for recruiters who have been relying on expensive text messaging platforms to reach candidates.    Candidates may prefer text messages or email for

Posted by Jonathan Kidder on April 20, 2016

How to Make Your Work Culture Authentic

Many companies take pride in their company culture, and many even overemphasize it ad nauseum. This may come off has non-genuine or even phony. A new employee may have been sold on the benefits and EVPs of the company altogether. But what happens when the perks and shiny newness wear off? If the company culture

Posted by Jonathan Kidder on April 17, 2016

The Talent Sourcing Function Matters Within Recruiting

A talent sourcer is a professional whose role is to identify and attract potential job candidates for an organization. This can include searching for candidates through various sources, such as job boards, social media, and professional networks, as well as reaching out to potential candidates to gauge their interest in job opportunities. The goal of

Posted by Jonathan Kidder on April 14, 2016

How to Excel at Talent Sourcing

Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to connect with many experienced talent sourcers. They have imparted valuable advice and strategies for identifying top candidates. What I find particularly interesting is that many sourcers are happy to share their knowledge and expertise with others. I always encourage newer sourcers to be open to learning

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