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Review of Machine Sourcer

Machine Sourcer is a new browser extension that enables recruiters to source less and convert more by automating your targeted LinkedIn outreach. You can easily build and save targeted lists on LinkedIn using this tool. After, you’ve created your lists you can then automate the outreach and send them all personalized inmail messages. 


This extension was recently launched in the Chrome store. Technically, they are still in beta-testing mode. The founder and creator Alden Morris has big future plans for this tool and he needs our Talent Sourcing community support. So, I recommend downloading, testing it out, and then sending your overall thoughts on this tool directly to Alden via email:



What you can do with MachineSourcer:

1. Build lists of prospects: Just type in the professional and geographic parameters to automatically build lists of profiles.

2. Customize your list: We know bots can’t do everything, like know not to reach out to that guy who wouldn’t stop talking to you at that one networking event. You can manually remove people from a list you build who you do not want to connect with.

3. Connect with prospects: Send personalized connection requests to your lists of prospects..

4. Smart Search: We use the most targeted search methods possible to ensure that the people you want to connect with on paper are as ACCURATE as you can be.


You can download this free extension (here)


Recommended Reading:

How to Master your Recruiting Cold Calls

How to Create Recruiting Email Drip Campaigns

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