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How to Use SnapChat, TikTok, and Twitch for Recruiting

The growing number of social media platforms has surely created a number of opportunities for recruiters. Of course, many are getting left behind because they’re simply unsure of how to approach these brand new tools. If you feel the same way, this advice will help you out.


While not all tools are created equal, the likes of SnapChat, Twitch, and TikTok are among the most popular right now, and they also present many unique opportunities for your work as a recruiter. With companies looking to get costs – you may want to consider using free social networking sites to connect with candidates online. 


In all honestly, I’m new to these platforms and I’m testing out each to see if they add value to my sourcing and employment branding strategies. It’s good to go where the talent goes. So, if you see value in connecting with these users than it’s worth creating a profile.


First Understand the Platforms:

Before you do anything with these platforms, the first thing you’ll want to do is familiarize yourself with them a bit. This means creating an account and just spending some time seeing how others interact. Make sure that your target demographic is actively using these websites. This is perfect for targeting and sourcing GenZ and Millennials within your markets. 



Is a platform to send instant view-able videos. You can use humor and excitement to build an employment brand.



Is a live streaming platform created for gamers. Create a profile and connect with gamers across the globe. Many gamers are professionals in the tech community. You could use this platform to network and build a community of talent.


Is a video sharing network. You can add comedic and fun videos on this platform. You can drive likes and engagement for your brand.


Each platform has its own unique style of content and you’ll need to spend some time figuring out how you can best interact on each platform. Your approach will differ a bit between each one. I recommend doing research to see if you can gain value from using the platforms. 


How to Use These Platforms:

Once you have a solid understanding of how each of these platforms functions, you can get to the fun part of actually posting content. Your goal, of course, is to use these platforms to promote a company’s culture and open jobs, ultimately inspiring people to see the brand in a positive light, and perhaps even reach out if they’re considering them as a potential employer.


The tricky part is figuring out what to post. You don’t just want to plug a job constantly. Rather, you should take a step back and use these platforms as a method of taking people behind the scenes. Here are some ideas of what you can post:


1. Let Employees Take Over

Sometimes the best way to show off a company is to let someone from within the company present things in their own way. Letting an employee “take over” one of your accounts for a day or more can give people a fun behind-the-scenes look at what goes on each day. For instance, maybe they’ll walk people through their routine, which may include hitting up the company gym in the morning or playing with the office’s beloved cat.


2. Share Live Virtual Events

Giving candidates exclusive access to live events the company hosts is another great source of content. Whether you’re live streaming the coverage or sharing it after-the-fact, it can really help candidates get a closer look at what working with the company would be like. You can do these events virtually and share opportunities to a broader audience.  


3. Go Behind-The-Scenes

Share a picture of that epic birthday party the team just threw for the new receptionist and maybe even give candidates a look into the development or collaboration processes that help the team thrive. It’s this type of “behind-the-scenes” content that lets you pull back the curtain and really entice people to learn more and want to get involved. Share fun and exciting culture that highlights your employment brand well. 


4. Build your Personal Brand

Recruiters need to build there personal brand online and it’s good to get creative and stand above the crowd. If you are targeting members within these communities it will make sense to invest in creating an account. Again, try and use humor to connect and engage with these users. The long term goal will be to build your brand and network with them. 


While it will take some finesse in order to properly represent the company on each platform, adding these tools to your arsenal is surely worth it. Consider these platforms to be a top priority as you continue to build an employer brand that people want to interact with.



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