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My SourceCon Digital 2.0 Presentation

SourceCon Digital 2.0 came and went so quickly this year. I was able to present on the main stage on Talent Sourcing Automation. We had over 750+ participants at this event making it the one of the largest Sourcing conferences in North America. I was honored that the SourceCon team chose me to present on this topic. I’ve been an avid attendee for over 8+ years now and I’ve attended at least a dozen times at this point. Below is a recap of my presentation with notes on how to implement automation tools within your sourcing role.


4 Levels of Automation (Shally’s Definitions)


Basic Automation Sourcing


How to automate safely on LinkedIn?


Email Tracking Extensions

Email Tracker 

Find out if your emails were read. Simply install and any future emails are automatically tracked. A circle will appear when the tracking is enabled on the sent email and a checkmark will appear when it has been read. Works for unlimited email accounts and sent emails.

See email open and click data by emails and get real-time insights.


Macros – Automating Tasks (Basic)

Record a combination of keystrokes and shortcuts:


Ui Path – Automating Tasks (Advanced)


MyRobot.Works (Advanced)


Phantombuster (Basic)


IFTTT (Basic)


Here’s my favorite IFTTT Recipes to use in Recruiting:


1. New LinkedIn contacts in a Google Drive spreadsheet.

Use this to keep track of new leads in Google Drive. You can treat this like your own personal CRM

2. Save contacts added to a Google Contacts group as a subscriber to a list in MailChimp.

Use this to create a networking mailchimp email list. I use this to send out monthly (new opportunities) emails at my company. Use this to keep leads warm and help build an active talent pipeline.

3. Save caller’s contact info each time I receive a call.

Receive a lot of calls during the day? This one helps you track your daily calls and uploads them to Google drive.

4. Create a calendar item to follow-up in a week when a new contact is added.

This one’s great for creating a weekly (business development) reminder of who to follow up with. You can treat this as your own personal sales assistant.


Machine Sourcer (Basic)


SeekOut (Basic)

Features include:


Bookmarklets – Glen Gutmacher


Processing Power + Too Many Extensions + Open Tabs = Slow Computer


This is the ultimate tool for lightning fast enabling and disabling all your extensions for Google Chrome. Just enable the extension when you want to use it, and disable when you want to get rid of it for a little while.


Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the OneTab icon to convert all of your tabs into a list. When you need to access the tabs again, you can either restore them individually or all at once.

Toby for Chrome

Better than bookmarks. Organize your browser tabs and access them quickly anywhere.

The Great Suspender – More Dev Focused

Have tabs open that you don’t want to close but aren’t using? This extension allows you to suspend any tabs that you aren’t using so that you have more RAM.


Productivity Extensions

WhenX for Google Search

WhenX helps you to find previously visited links in your Google search results by adding a tag with your last visit time next to the link.

Page Monitor

Use this extension to monitor web pages online. Anytime there is a change or update you will get notified. This is a simple and easy way to track your competition or to monitor candidates online.

Swell – To Do List & Task Manager

This Chrome extension requires just a sweet and simple description.

Todoist for Gmail

Connect Todois to your Gmail inbox and you can instantly add emails as tasks, allowing you to follow-up when you’re ready without forgetting


Now you can send text messages straight from your computer without ever picking up your phone.


Search and highlight multiple words on web pages.


Quickli helps people easily navigate profiles on LinkedIn. Peek into company information without leaving the current page. Quickly find people working at the same company with the same title as the person you are viewing.


Managing Time and Productivity


actiTIME Timer is a great extension that works in Chrome to simply the entire process of tracking your time.


TrackingTime is another extension that helps you to collect accurate information on how long it takes to get work done.


Clockify is a timer extension that works as part of a larger time-tracking platform. It can help you improve your work performance by tracking your idle time and setting reminders for you.

Rescue Time

Set goals + Understand Search Categories + Tells you patterns = Makes you more productive

Tomato Timer – Marinara: Pomodoro Assistant

A simple time tracking extension tool. You record short and long tern breaks. Measure your previous history stats and easily get notification for your browser and desktop while tracking your time.


New Book Launching Soon

My mission is simple: Help Recruiters learn about the latest Talent Sourcing Tools on the market!

Learn More Here


Recommended Reading:

How to Navigate through Covid and Recruit Tech Talent

How to Manage Employer Branding During a Pandemic Year

How to Prepare for a Recruiter Job Interview


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