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FamilyTreeNow: A Free Resource for Finding Contact Info Online

FamilyTreeNow is a site that aims to help users research their family genealogy. Their database allows users to look up information on people or merely find out what’s available online about others. There’s a wide variety of information you can use this service to find: home addresses, cell numbers, email addresses, date of birth, associated relatives, and public records.


Why is this important for Recruiters and Sourcers?

Well the most unique thing about this site from other people search engines is that all the information listed in there database is free. You don’t need to give your credit or register to join. With this resource you can virtually look up anyone’s information as long as you have there name and location. For Recruiters and Sourcers this database is a gold mine!



What sort of information is on this site?


Does this Violate Privacy Laws within the United States?

It’s a difficult question to answer. This site doesn’t necessarily do anything illegal; all the information pulled into the database is publicly accessible to anyone online. It’s just listed all in one place.


What amazed me the most..

I conducted on search on myself. It brought back a list of my entire family tree. Within seconds, I found cell phone numbers and email addresses of virtually everyone listed. It really blew me away on the possibilities for using this data to find someone’s contact details. In all honestly, I can’t think of a larger database that offers this type of information for free. 



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