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CodersRank – A Developer Search Platform

CodersRank is a developer search platform that helps you save time and increase accuracy when looking for tech talent. They’ve nurtured an active community of 40,000+ experienced, job-seeker developers who’ve registered on the platform to showcase their coding journey. I’ve had the opportunity to fully demo this platform and I’m excited to share all the features below. 

How it works:

1. Developers register on CodersRank and connect their favorite coding sites such as GitHub, GitLab, Stack Overflow, and more. Plus they can add their private repos as well.

2. They complete their profiles with up-to-date job preferences and resume-bolstering information such as work experience, personal projects and portfolio, certificates, education, and more.

3. CodersRank algorithm assigns experience points to each profile. As a result, recruiters get a well-rounded, 360° view into the developer’s professional journey.


As a tech recruiter, you can use this tool to find qualified developers, accelerate your qualification process, identify hidden or passive talent, engage with developers in a more efficient way, and much more.


How to use CodersRank to discover, qualify and engage developers



1. Use Boolean search to find qualified candidates instantly.

On CodersRank, you can search in all text areas within a candidate’s profile with Boolean logic and truly x-ray their talent pool. For example, if you look for JavaScript, CodersRank will show you all of the possible occurrences of this keyword in the developer’s profile.

You can use Boolean logic and search keywords such as programming languages, technologies, frameworks, company names or any other relevant keyword in developer profiles. Their search engine also handles synonyms (such as javascript = js or vue = vuejs).


2. Find both Active & Passive job-seekers

You can filter for active and passive candidates open to new opportunities. The active job-seek status expires in 30 days, so you can be sure the developer is really open to new jobs.


3. Reach developers beyond LinkedIn

On LinkedIn, everyone targets the same top 5-10% of the talent. With CodersRank you can filter for users who don’t have LinkedIn profiles and find untapped talent that you wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.


4. Hire globally with PRO filters

CodersRank equips you with filters tailored specifically for international sourcing. You can filter developers who’d like to work remotely or open to relocate, find relevant developers based on their time zone, or find users who are eligible to work in the EU.


5. Streamline your sourcing with saved searches and shortlists

You can save your search criteria and receive notifications about new candidates who sign up to CodersRank weekly (or in case their existing users change their job preferences, for example). According to CodersRank, they have 250+ new developers registering weekly.

You can save relevant profiles in shortlists and reach out to them later. You can also easily share developer profiles from CodersRank with your colleagues or hiring managers via links.



1. Get a verifiable, experience-based assessment of developers’ skills

On CodersRank, developers connect their private and public repositories and accounts from other coding sites. The platform’s algorithm analyses and unifies these data, so you get a complete, always-up-to-date overview of the developer’s real experience.


Technologies & Language overview
Get a full overview of the developer’s experience based on both technologies and programming languages. CodersRank assigns experience points to developers based on their real-code written which makes for an objective, code-based evaluation of their skills. 

Skills chart
Their Tech Skills chart shows how the developer has grown their experience across technologies and languages over time.

Activity chart
Regular practice makes great developers. CodersRank Activity Chart helps you to evaluate how often they practice their craft, which is a great predictor of their skills and growth potential. This information is pulled from 5+ coding websites including GitHub, Gitlab, StackOverflow, and HackerRank.

Power-user tip: if you hover over the tooltip located after the developer’s current place of work, you’ll see the list of technologies they’re using in their current role.

2. See their job preferences upfront

With this feature, you get full, up-to-date information about the developer’s job-seeking status, preferred job roles (e.g.: Full-Stack Developer), ideal company size, salary expectations, location availability, and more.


3. Developer ranking & leaderboard view
Use CodersRank’s ranking & leaderboard view to compare any given candidate to other developers worldwide. This feature helps you identify the rising stars. You can also access the developer’s score broken down by technologies and programming languages directly in their profile.


4. Resume-bolstering factors
Get all the valuable information you need for your hiring assessment including their work experience, personal projects, certificates, education, portfolio, and bio.


5. Download their up-to-date CV
You can download the CV attached by developers to their profiles or generate a CV based on their CodersRank profile via an embedded CV generator.



1. Get all contact details in one place.

You get access to the developer’s contact details including their phone number, personal website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, GitHub, StackOverflow, and more.


2. Message developers directly on CodersRank.
You can message developers directly on CodersRank, which is a much less saturated channel than LinkedIn. According to CodersRank, the developers’ response rate is around 20-30%.


Job Board

1. Post unlimited jobs for free

CodersRank also has a free, developer-focused job board where you can post unlimited jobs for 30 days.


2. Get your job promoted directly in developer profiles

Their Featured post option helps to unlock passive candidates by advertising jobs directly in relevant developer profiles. According to CodersRank, 80% of their talent base logs in at least once a month to check their profiles – this means around 30,000 developers.


Many CodersRank developers share their profiles with their network, so your Featured job posting is likely to reach more relevant developers beyond CodersRank. 

If you’d like to test CodersRank, you can use their free trial option or sign up for a demo. Optional: As a WizardSourcer reader, you can now get up to 29% OFF discount for all (CodersRank packages here).


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